Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the EATON factory.

Export of Products

Export of EATON products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All EATON products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant EATON: clutches, engine valves, hydraulic connections, hybrid systems, plastic components, transmissions, boost compressors, Multiplex systems, switches, sensors, differentials, plug-in drives, air conditioning components, steering lines, exhaust gas reduction solutions
  • Clutches for trucks EATON
    Clutches for trucks
    Pull SD, etc.
  • Valves for engines EATON
    Valves for engines
    For gasoline, diesel, etc.
  • Hydraulic connections EATON
    Hydraulic connections
    CoolAxial, Flat Band Spiral, etc.
  • Reducing the toxicity of gases EATON
    Reducing the toxicity of gases
    ICV, ROV, FTIV, etc.
  • Hybrid systems EATON
    Hybrid systems
    Electric, etc.
  • Plastic components EATON
    Plastic components
    Pipes, tanks, pallets, etc.
  • Transmission control EATON
    Transmission control
    OCV, LOMA, VFS, etc.
  • Boost compressors EATON
    Boost compressors
    Twin Vortices Series, etc.
  • Multiplex systems EATON
    Multiplex systems
    Switches, sensors, etc.
  • Torque control EATON
    Torque control
    Egerodisc/ELSD, Elocker, Gearless, etc.
  • Transmissions EATON
    UltraShift PLUS, Synchro-6, etc.
  • Valve drive EATON
    Valve drive
    Gap regulators, etc.


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